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Orpington U3A

Monthly General Meeting at Crofton Halls

21st August 2023, 14:00

A BEGINNING, A MUDDLE & AN END: Where do Novelists Get Their Inspiration From? - Bobby Darbyshire

In an entertaining, informative talk, Bobbie will explain how the complex world of character, location, plot and subplot arrives in a writer’s mind. Winner of the 2008 fiction prize at the National Academy of Writing and the New Delta Review Creative Non-fiction Prize 2010, she is author of four novels, including “The Posthumous Adventures of Harry Whittaker”, and has a fifth due out in October this year. Bobbie has worked as barmaid, mushroom picker, film extra, maths coach, cabinet minister’s private secretary, care assistant and volunteer adult-literacy teacher, as well as in social research and government policy. Bobbie lives in London and hosts a writers’ group.

Upcoming events

Monthly General Meeting at Crofton Halls
18th February 2025, 15:30 - 17:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th February 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th March 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
17th April 2025, 10:30

Registered Charity No. 1076544

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