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Orpington U3A

Monthly General Meeting at Crofton Halls

20th May 2024, 14:00

Monthly General Meeting at Crofton Halls

Doors open at 2pm for refreshments until the main meeting starts at 2:30pm

There will be a book sale at the May meeting. Please bring some cash if you want to buy, and paperbacks only, if you want to donate. Although we’re happy to accept gardening books in hardback.

London 1851 and The Great Exhibition - Michael Gilbert

The Great Exhibition of 1851 was probably the most successful, memorable and influential cultural event of the 19th century. With Prince Albert’s energetic patronage and Joseph Paxton’s gigantic pre-fabricated building of iron and glass, Hyde Park was from May to October 1851, filled with over six million visitors who were able to view over 100,000 exhibits. When it closed it had generated a vast profit of £186,000.

Upcoming events

Monthly General Meeting at Crofton Halls
18th February 2025, 15:30 - 17:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th February 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th March 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
17th April 2025, 10:30

Registered Charity No. 1076544

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