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Orpington U3A

September Monthly Zoom Metting

17th September 2020, 13:45 - 15:30

Please note: This month's meeting will be on the 2nd Thursday, not the normal 3rd Monday.

BARROW TO BAGHDAD & BACK AGAIN - PHILIP CAINE, author of the JACK CASTLE series of adventure novels

Philip will tell us how a career that began in Barrow in Furness ended in Baghdad.

Born in 1950, in Barrow-in- Furness, Philip's working life began in the hotel business. His career developed in the oil industry and 30 years were spent in places such as the North Sea, Algeria, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Russia. From 2003, he spent 7 years in post war Baghdad, working with the American coalition, then a further 3 years running oil services companies in Dubai. He retired in 2015 and began writing and public speaking, since then he has spoken at over 400 venues and written 8 fictional adventure thrillers. www.philipcaine.com


Please put the time in your diary and we will send an email to members with further details and instructions on joining zoom meetings nearer the date.

Upcoming events

Monthly General Meeting at Crofton Halls
18th February 2025, 15:30 - 17:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th February 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th March 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
17th April 2025, 10:30

Registered Charity No. 1076544

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