The Interest Groups currently available to Orpington u3a members are listed below in alphabetical order. Click on the name to find out more about the Group, when it meets and how to contact the Group Leader.
Alternatively, the Interest Groups menu in the banner allows you to:
- see a weekly timetable of what's on when;
- see what's available for a particular category;
- select individual groups within a category.
Click here for details of new groups being considered or if you have an idea for a group you would like to join or run.
Bromley, Orpington and Beckenham u3as have a reciprocal arrangement where members of one u3a may join groups organised by another if spaces are available. These are indicated as "BOB" Groups.
- Digital Camera
- Enlightenment to Romanticism
- Family History
- French (multiple levels)
- Gardening
- Golf (Ladies and Mens)
- Handbells
- History
- Industrial Heritage
- Italian (Multiple levels)
- Learning to be Retired
- Line Dancing
- London Explorers
- Lunch Club
- Mahjong
- Making Music Together
- Meditation
- Members On Their Own (MOTO)
- Mindfulness
- Opera and Ballet Appreciation
- Painting
- Philosophy
- Pickleball
- Play Reading
- Plays in Production
- Poetry
- Pop Music 1955-1979
- Real Ale Appreciation
- Recorder Playing
- Rummikub
- Science and Technology
- Scrabble
- Share an Interest One to One
- Short Mat Bowls
- Sunday Lunch
- Table Tennis
- Tai Chi
- The Rock 'n' Roll Years (55-69)
- Theatre Matinees
- Town and Country Lunches
- Upwords
- Walks
- Whist
- Wine Appreciation
- Women Achievers
- Wordsmiths