Exercise and Outdoor
Orpington u3a have a number of Interest Groups listed together under the heading of "Outdoor Activities". Click on a group that interests you to find out more details.
Ambling London - A relaxed paced amble around a route notified the weekend before. Travelling up by train from Orpington or Petts Wood; coffee and a comfort break before the amble, optional lunch after and home before the rush hour.
Badminton (Beckenham) - This group is run by Beckenham as a BOB Group (open to members of Bromley, Orpington and Beckenham).
Birdwatching - We visit a selection of reasonably local, open air sites. Journey times vary, but we try to share driving duties.
Chi Kung - The practice we will learn is known as Zhan Zhuang, “Standing Like A Tree.”
Gardening - We have two gardening groups which meet in members homes, exploring each others' gardens.
Golf - We have mens' and ladies' golf groups welcoming golfers of all levels although complete novices are advised to take lessons before joining.
Line Dancing - Join us for fun and exercise as we dance to a variety of music, boots and hats not required!
London Explorers - Guide led visits to varied places of interest in locations within the Freedom Pass travel map,
Pickleball - Run weekly at Bromley Lawn Tennis & Squash Club. All levels welcome.
Short Mat Bowls - Run weekly at Crofton Halls in conjunction with Table Tennis. All levels welcome.
Table Tennis - Run weekly at Crofton Halls in conjunction with Short Mat Bowls. All levels welcome.
Tai Chi - Discover the gentle, graceful movements of Yang style Short Form Tai Chi in a set of 10 classes designed to introduce you to the Tai Chi and Qi Gong forms and energy exercises.
Town and Country Lunches - Members take turns to organise visits to local towns and villages, usually starting with a talk, with time to explore before lunch in a local pub or restaurant.
Walks - We do a 3 or 4 mile walk - mostly circular and occasionally linear if public transport is available. Car required to get to the start of some country walks. The terrain and type of walk is listed for the coming two months in the Newsletter.