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Orpington U3A


Orpington u3a members please logon to see group leader contact details.


Our group arranges cinema visits, both locally and in Central London, chosen by our members. The film is followed by a get together in a nearby pub or cafe to discuss the film and socialise. The members of the group have very wide tastes in cinema and we therefore expect to be seeing a broad range of films during the course of the year. So come along and enjoy the cinema experience with a group of like-minded people.

Meets: There is no set timetable for our outings as these will depend entirely on the availability and scheduling of cinema listings.

Costs: Members cover their own costs.

Numbers depend on the capacity of the restaurant and there are vacancies at present.

Upcoming events

Monthly General Meeting at Crofton Halls
18th February 2025, 15:30 - 17:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th February 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th March 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
17th April 2025, 10:30

Registered Charity No. 1076544

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