Cryptic Crosswords

Orpington u3a members please logon to see group leader contact details.
Cryptic Crosswords
We each have a copy of the same crossword, spend 15-20 minutes working on them by ourselves and then go round the group, giving the answers in turn and explaining how we got them. We complete three crosswords in an afternoon, breaking for tea after the second one. One of our members compiles the crossword for the Newsletter and the group check it before sending it in to the editor.
Meets: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 2 - 4p.m. alternately at two of the group members' homes.
Costs: 50p to cover tea/biscuits and photocopies
Up to 8 members in group. We have no vacancies at present.
Cryptic Crosswords 2
We are a small group which enjoys pitting our wits against the Times or Telegraph cryptic crossword.
Meets: 4th Friday, 2 - 4p.m. at members' homes.
Costs: None.
6 members in group. No vacancies at present.