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Orpington U3A


Orpington u3a have a number of Interest Groups listed together under the heading of "Culture".  Click on a group that interests you to find out more details.

Art Appreciation - We currently have 3 Art Appreciation groups combining discussions at members' homes with exhibition visits.

Book Groups - Reading groups are very popular in Orpington U3A. We currently have 7 groups which meet at either local libraries or members' homes, including one group focusing on crime novels.

Cinema - Our group arranges cinema visits, both locally and in Central London, chosen by our members. The film is followed by a get together in a nearby pub or cafe to discuss the film and socialise.

Coffee Club Culture - Members meet over Zoom, armed with a coffee, to chat about various topics across a variety of cultures.

Creative Writing - Have you ever thought of putting pen to paper, but never got round to it? Let us inspire you!

Opera and Ballet Appreciation - Members watch and discuss opera and ballet performances in a friendly and convivial atmosphere.

Philosophy - A discussion group which compares the thoughts of ancient and contemporary philosophers and the impact made on modern society, plus global news patterns.

Play Reading - A different set of play scripts (a variety of dramas, comedies, thrillers) is provided by the leader each month and members sit round in the leader's home taking part by reading the characters' lines in this friendly group.

Plays in Production - The group aims to enhance the experience of going to the theatre. We choose the plays we wish to see (6-8 a year), and before seeing it we read part of the text, and/or consider the playwright, when the play was written etc. We then see the play and afterwards discuss the production.

Poetry - We choose an eclectic mix of poetry, either a theme e.g. Seasons, Love poems, Christmas etc. or a poet, anyone from Shakespeare to Pam Ayres or Bob Dylan (accompanied with music!).

Theatre Matinees - Trips are mainly to see West End shows, but we do occasionally visit local Theatres. 

Wordsmiths - Entertaining group which writes plays, stories, monologues and/or poetry and recites work to the group. Also forum for lively discussion.

Upcoming events

Monthly General Meeting at Crofton Halls
18th February 2025, 15:30 - 17:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th February 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th March 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
17th April 2025, 10:30

Registered Charity No. 1076544

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